For Gochan, and now to share.
Kureno, despite all pretences and examples, was not a particularly choosy man. Certainly he was cautious in what he chose to eat, prefferential about what he decided to wear, and forever invested in making sure his hair was precisely as he dictated it should be. But when it came to the important things, when it came to the things that mattered, like friends and loyalty and love he was not choosy in the sightest.
There'd be no agonizing or deliberation over it: he was going to kill Hatake Rin with whatever weapon was nearest to hand. That little... that complete... that utter... damnit! He was going to kill him twice for being so hard to think of vile and derrogatory words for. And for being taller. And for being married.
The being married part especially.
Kureno arrived outside the hospital in a flurry of leaves, his crimson eyes narrowed fiercely up at the window which he knew for a fact sheltered a certain stripe-cheeked jounin who had just gotten back from what you could charitably call a honeymoon and could realistically call a long-range mission where nobody had to get killed.
Until now, that was. Kureno picked up a piece of gravel and hurled it at the second story window. "Rin!" Kureno bellowed, not about to just jump in the window in case Rin was seeing a patient (and doubly in case that patient was Kakami). After a moment a familiar face peeked out the window, and Rin grinned as he folded his arms on the windowsill and looked down at Kureno.
"Kureno! Heya!" he called brightly.
Kureno wanted to kill him even more. "You bastard!" he yelled, pointing up at him so melodramatically somebody should have been filming it. "You eloped! You complete and utter bastard! You didn't tell anyone!"
The grin most certainly didn't leave Rin's face. "That's on account of us being sneaky like ninja, Kureno!" he called back with a wave. Kureno caught the glint of the ring on his hand and just wailed internally in despair.
"You know what you did?" Kureno demanded. "You know what you bloody did, don't you?"
Rin most certainly did. His stripes tweaked broadly as he just beamed down at his friend. "Stuck you and Asuka with bein' the ones who have to get the big ceremony? Damn, if I'd known that I would totally have not avoided the entire extravaganza, and Tsurude's speeches and Aki's attempts at a bachelors party, and just never have spent a week entirely alone at some classified location with my extremely beautiful wife."
Kureno just glared up at him, steam practically hissing out from under his ears. "Bastard," he repeated. Rin just grinned and watched him fume, determinedly not glancing to his left, where Kakami was leaning against the wall next to the window and listening to Kureno with a grin of her own on her face to die for. She finally did reach over with one pale hand and tugged him out of Kureno's view, sticking her own head out the window long enough to smile cheekily down at Kureno before she pulled the blinds shut.
The red-eyed genjutsu expert simply stood there, still more ready than ever to just slaughter Rin with his bare hands... though the urge quelled slightly when Asuka arrived behind him and reached up to tweak his collar. Out of line, knowing her.
"You do know we'd have done it first," she told him, looking up at him with a deadpan expression.
Kureno tried not to sigh. "I know. And yes, yes, I know why we didn't."
Asuka shook her head. "You were only going to stay in an onsen that had four star food." She grinned up at him wickedly. "Its tragic, Kureno, but guess what?"
Her fiance looked down at her, his expression subtly begging her to tell him 'what'. She obliged with a wink. "If we've gotta get married in the village in a big ceremony, at least that means we can draft Rin into being the cook."