May 20, 2011 01:04
I tried picking up SRW OG again to prepare for the next game and finally reached the part where the real enemies of the game appear (I think.) But now I'm kind of frustrated with it again.
Why are the space aliens Jewish?! Why is their Death Star called 'Neviim' ('Prophets', as in, the books of)? Why am I getting attacked by classes of enemy ships called Megillot (letters) and Mishlei (proverbs)? Did they just look up the Wikipedia entry on Judaism and pick all the words that sounded funny? (Yes.)
Also 'evil aliens with a secret plot to take over the earth using the bible' is just really disturbing as a plotline. I'm going to concentrate really hard on the Masoukishin story and ignore the rest if you don't mind. Or mentally transliterate Levi as Rebi to disassociate the two.