You know that OTP meme that's been going around? Yeah, that one. It's fun, but greying a bit round the edges. Let's invent one!
I don't have such an exaggerated idea of my own importance that I expect this to catch on, but for one shot, it should be entertaining, right?
Name a series and I'll tell you the character(s) I would:1. Bake cupcakes
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Annnd the Dresden Files!
1. Harry, Ivy, Lash (what)
2. Michael
3. Lloyd Slate
4. Harry, Thomas (obligatory), Ramirez
5. Kincaid
6. Murphy
7. Harry Murphy, Ebenezar
8. Harry and Murphy already, sheesh
9. Who's that demon guy who tortures Harry? Not Nicodemus, the other guy? Him.
10. Butters (at least he wouldn't break it with his magic, since he doesn't have any XD)
I think the quiz list could do with some trimming :/ Anyway, could I ask you about Blue Beetle?
2. HAHAHAHA I like how it's JUST Michael. Yeah, least likely to trash it.
3. Agreed so hard. Creepy druggy knight.
4. obligatory Thomas haha YES. That is what being a sex vampire is about, people! XD
5. Again, agreed so hard. Kincaid's scary.
6. Murphy would run the country in an excellent fashion.
7. Aw, no, Harry would be great in a buddy flick! He'd explode everything but in the meantime it would be awesome. And yes, Ebenezar, ALL THE WAY.
8. ....... you 'shipper. :P
9. I don't remember! The snake guy in Dead Beat, right? I can't remember his name and Wikipedia isn't helpful. :/
10. Aw, I like Waldo. The only problem is that he'd fill it with polka music. Could you stand that?
And uh sure!
1. Bake cupcakes for: Oh hell, the entire Reyes family. And Paco. And Brenda. And Brenda's aunt. And Hector and Nadia. And Traci. And Peacemaker. I wouldn't make any for guy gardner but he'd steal some anyways. With his ring ( ... )
1. They'd have to be mental, though. Mental cupcakes. >_>
7. I was trying not to answer 'Harry' for each of them. Besides, he's too powerful, I'd just be the random hanger-on. At least for Ebenezar I could handle the tech support.
8. I'm not a shipper! I can't think of any besides the obvious ones T_T
10. It's okay. I could actually bully him into putting my music back on, unlike 90% of the cast.
Blue Beetle: (ps talking backpack has a crush)
2. ...Isn't the Hulk Marvel? I think Blue Beetle is DC? Don't confuse me, I can't keep track as it is T_T
4. I heartily approve your choice T_T
I really have to start buying Tiny Titans, huh? That's way too cute. T^T and yeah, Hulk is Marvel, I had a stupid moment.
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