Started reading the Snow Mountain Syndrome chapter of Suzumiya Haruhi no Bousou (novel 5) yesterday. I really like this series, but I'm not always able to keep up with the combination of complex writing (well, for me) and abstract concepts the author presents. Especially with Euler's Planar Graph Formula and all those pictures of Koizumi's - I'm sorry, Tanigawa-sensei, but I don't speak math. If not for the English translation on
this page I wouldn't even have identified 'Euler' properly - I read the katakana-ized name as 'Oiler'. 8D
As always with the novels, all sorts of creepy events are happening behind the scenes, and it's hard to tell if what's going on is really of earthshaking importance or not. Especially since this chapter is one of the few Koizumi-centric stories (Nagato gets the most focus, I think) and the BS is very strong with that guy. He talks a lot but is he correct..?
Anyway, it seems that this story also links in with the greater story of Tanabata, so the order is: 1) Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody (volume 3) 2) Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu (this takes up the entirety of volume 4) 3) Snow Mountain Syndrome (last chapter of volume 5) and it's all finally cleared up in 4)the prologue of volume 7. Shoushitsu and even Snow Mountain Syndrome are really long, so when Kyo-Ani finally make the second season (I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed), I'm wondering how they'll deal with it. Although I have faith they'll do a good job! Speaking of which, why hasn't it been licensed already so I can buy DVDs?!
What is nice, though, is seeing how the SOS-Dan have gotten much closer over the course of the series; at the beginning they saw each other more as representatives of various factions, but by volume 5 both Nagato and Koizumi have swung their main loyalty over to SOS-Dan. Oh and everybody except Asahina-san is in love with Kyon
By the way, my SOS-Dan character ranking: Kyon>Nagato>>>>>(>>>>>>unbreakable wall>>>>>>)Haruhi>>>Koizumi>Asahina-san (all the fanservice scenes annoy me a little, so she drops in rank). My love for Nagato is mostly due to Shoushitsu though, so maybe if I finish reading volume 7 I'll like Asahina more. (I own 5,6&7 and need 1-4 and 8, which just came out)
And there are apparently music CDs featuring Kyon's sister and Kimidori Emiri due, while Kyon and Koizumi don't even have CDs yet. Tsuruya and Asakura Ryouko (...I'm scared of the lyrics she'd sing) are justifiable, and Kyon's sister, too, but... are we going to get a solo by Shamisen (the cat) before Kyon gets a CD?! I don't care if Tomokazu Sugita can sing or not, it's the principle of the thing!
I wanna get more Haruhi novels~ And also Cooseltel no Ryuujutsushi Monogatari* released the fourth volume, that apparently focuses on Kadeo and Milieu having a disagreement. Kadeo, Milieu, and the Mailman (I forgot his name XD;) grew up together and this series always has interesting character relationships so I have to read it! (besides I fell in love with Kadeo after he had a backstory arc in vol. 2, whut mini!Kadeo is cute. Even if Ranvalse-sensei is still my favorite) ...and get volume 3 and volumes 1-4 of the first series goldang it
*Tell me this series has a nice short nickname like CouRyu or something, it's annoying to type out all the time!
...Okay the PV to Shimatani Hitomi's Falco is so weird that I think it may successfully turn me off the song. Eww.