My Version of Twilight: "Sunrise: Stories of a Crazy Girl in Love"

Nov 22, 2009 19:11

The first time I saw that black book with white chess pieces and a title like it was made for a werewolf fantasy... I knew within my very bones I wouldn't like it. I cringed at going into bookstores for sometime in fear of hearing another praise for that tripe that's been so greatly acclaimed recently.

Okay so that's my anger talking since I had to suffer through the first movie just awhile ago.

Maybe I should do what Bella did, I'll fall in love with the next person whom I think smells my B.O. Then I'll get this controlling and absolutely stalker-like boyfriend. Yes! I'm so excited I can't wait! He'll watch me while I sleep like I'm food he's about to eat. Then we almost have sex, and he backs off because he thinks I can give him the best orgasm of his life.

Oh and our dates? They'll be so perfectly boring by the way. I don't even know how we plan them.

Wait he has a redeeming factor! What is it? It's not himself really. It's his family! So cute; so loving. Great characters. Thank Heavens they're protecting the useless little old me! I don't even know why. Oh wait I know! Because I"M OH MY FRICKING SPECIAL!

I am so enlightened after Twilight. I feel that I can go and get a boyfriend now! I'll even write a crazy diary about it with the title; Sunrise: Stories of a Crazy Girl in Love

Please don't forget to give me my royalties.

Much love ♥


After that much hate I am now watching 2012 in my living room.


inborn stupidity

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