(no subject)

Jul 15, 2005 23:18

i'm sorry hunny but if you said anything remotely like DEAR ABBY: My husband tells me my job as a wife is to obey him and be subservient. For the most part, I am. Dinner is always on the table, the house is clean, the bills are paid, etc. All he has to do is go to work and take the trash out on Sundays. I do everything else.

If I disagree with anything he says, I'm told that I'm being a bad wife and mother for not obeying him. I am not allowed to work outside the home, although I have a nursing degree. He says marriage is a contract and that love doesn't factor into it. He has told me that he doesn't love me or even like me. He is emotionally and verbally abusive.

I worry that ending the marriage will hurt the children, but I also worry that continuing this unloving relationship will hurt them even more. I don't want them to grow up not knowing what a loving relationship between a husband and wife is like, or thinking that they can't stand up for themselves or what they believe in. But I'm afraid that divorce would cause them even more damage. What's your unbiased advice? -- BETWIXT AND BETWEEN IN PA.
DEAR BETWIXT: When your husband married you, he promised to love, honor and cherish you. If marriage is a contract, then he broke the agreement long ago. My advice is to consult a lawyer and don't look back. Children raised in the kind of atmosphere you have described have far more problems than do children of divorce.

to me you would be out the fuckin door. but then again i never promised to obey you.not that you dont know that already. mmmmmmmmmmmmm (all the things i did promise)

oh and im so very happy my parents got divorced (recently learned my mom did it "for me" ~ which i am actually exceptionally grateful)

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