i'm so bored

Jun 18, 2006 23:31

I've done nothing but lay down on this couch for the past like 6 days. I am bored out of my fucking mind. I went to the doctor's again last night for what, the 3rd time this month? She said I have to be put on steroids because my throat was so swollen up that there basically was no opening. I had no voice at all. So I've been on them for like a day, and they've helped so much. I can actually swallow without feeling severe pain, but I'm still congested. I can deal with that though. Hopefully this mono that's ruining my life right now will go away ASAP. I can still go to Texas so that's good. I just can't do anything too routy because my spleen could get hurt and enlarge or something and then I'd have to get surgery. How could this even happen to me? I'm the cleanest person I know. I never share drinks or anything, and I swear the one fricken time I do I get mono. What the hell is that? I neeeed to get tan. I feel so behind in my summer. I have no tan whatsoever besides my red face because I can't stop sweating. My cell phone bill closes tomorrow so that means all new texts. AWESOME! I only have about $300 for the next 4 or 5 weeks when I have sooo much things to pay for. I don't know how I'm gonna do that. I need to get my license. I would've had it last Wednesday, but nope, mono got in the way of that. I feel like everything I've been looking forward to is just...gone. Whatever, things will eventually pull together. I just need sleep. Ugh.
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