Zbyskek Siwinski research
According to DNA Zbushek has 2 known close last names with 2nd cousin matches: Himmelstein, Sirkin , and one last name from this group (Grinker,Anker,Rosenfeld). It is clear, that Himmelstein is his paternal side family, while it is not clear if it is PP, or PM side, since Himmelsteins with YDNA at FTDNA have different haplogroup.I have to check with Zbygniev closest Himmelstein matches about their Y haplogroup. His closest match is David Himmelstein, but the person, whp is managing his profile doesn't answer. His second Himmelstein match in Alan Himmelstein. Today I wrote him and today he was online.
Recently I have corresonded with Elizabeth Askern-Zbyshek second cousin from Himmelstein side.I try to extend their Himmelstein tree. It will help find connection with other Himmelsteins and maybe his father data.
There is no doubt, that Zbyshek is related to Grinker family due to his triangulation with all Grinker, who were tested under FTDNA
There is also Anker triangulation
and there is no strong triangulation with Rosenfeld. So it is Grinker, or Anker relation.