Jan 10, 2006 13:27
hey, hey,
Been a while since I updated. Well school started back a few days ago and so far its been ok. I like all my classes and the teachers are cool too.
Except sometimes in the morining sometimes its kinda boring b/c I am still half asleep ya know? Well dance is starting back this thrursday. I can't wait its gonna be awesome. Hopefully I can still remember the dances we learned. ugh!!! Today was good though. Finsished history h/w, still gotta study for english and spanish though.
Omga aerobics was killer today I was so hot. [as in sweating I know gross,but u gotta stay in shape somehow.] Anyways things with God are going smooth so far.
I had a really long talk or thought about what has been going on in my life.
It feels so much better to make things right and not have to worry about it anymore.
As of now though I am just resting and watching tv. Ah!!! What fun huh? Well, gotta get on my homework and clean up a bit. God Bless, and peace out!!!