a weekend of wonderful mirth

Sep 28, 2003 20:08

Disclaimer ~ This is really long. Read it if you care, but if you don't, just look at the pretty pictures. Ok, hold tight.

Thursday was my birthday. I woke up blissfully late and opened some cards and the like from relatives. I went into school and everyone was really cool and had bought me cards and gave out hugs, and Sophie and Kelly, my dear sweet friends made me a Happy Birthday Tim banner. My Psychology teacher was away for some reason, and so we had 4 hours of frees in the late morning. I invoked my birthday right to the communal CD player, and so we listened to lots of Queen and The Who all morning. It was super enjoyable, everyone was singing along to Queen, and most people seemed to dig The Who's vibe. Like; y'know, whatever.

Anyway, I had English Lit last thing, and that was really cool, because we were just presenting our poetry analysis, and somehow Steff and I stretched ours out for a rather long time, therefore negating the need to do any real work. After school, I came home, and was presented (Geddit?) with a variety of gifts, most of them rather unexpected. Being the nice person I am, I've taken pictures. Get me.

Sibling idiocy. My belt is super hardcore.

Swishy new headphones. Poser not included.

I'm a label geek. Technics make sound sound better than ever before.

Southern Comfort is very, very, very appealing. My Mother is such a darling.

Rather lovely new shirt.

Also, my sister painted me a picture of a swan and framed it, and I'm going to frame the freaking excellent card that Steff made for me, it's awesome. We had a nice night in and watched a movie, which despite being funded by MTV was rather good, it's called Dead Man on Campus and is rather typical, yet still enjoyable. Whee.

Friday, if possible was even better than Thursday had been. I had a free period first thing, so I didn't have to be in school until 10 am. I then had General Studies for an hour, which is clearly the best class ever invented. We sit around discussing important issues in life, the media, and politics, go off on incredibly wild tangents, then spend 15 minutes trying to balance on only two legs of our cushiony soft chairs. It has to be said; I love 6th form.

After General Studies I was due to have more English Lit, but as there were so many people out of the lesson, we couldn't carry on reading our (atrocious sci-fi feminism) novel, and dear old Teacher said we could all go, providing we "weren't concerned that we might be missing out on something". You could hardly see me for dust as I shot out of the door.

By this time, it was 11:45, and Kingsfield School phone up to say that my Economics lesson is cancelled today, some to do over team building at the other center. This made Steff and I very happy, and we decided to go and sqaunder some of my cash in Bristol. We met Soph and Lorna at the bus stop, and we all went shopping. I know men always bitch about shopping, but I've decided I really like it. The assistant in Topshop complimented me on my fashion sense, and the River Island girl laughed as she saw me running accross the shop floor shouting "Accessories! We need accessories people". Somewhere inside me there is a lovely gay man fighting to get out. Eyeliner, I blame this upon you.

I sense people will have stopped reading by this time, so I should probably divulge some sordid personal secrets, but I'm not going to, just in case there is the lone reader still battling through. Thanks for staying with me, it means a lot.

Anyway, in Bristol I bought some extremely gorgeous new jeans, which are practically the only pair I've ever found to fit me, having as I do a 28" waist and 32" leg. How very impractical. I also bought a sexy jumper in Ciro Citterio, because I really need to stay warm in the coming months. We ate copious amounts of fatty food in the newly decorated BK, and I must confess, it was actually rather nice in there. Mc Who? I had a HMV voucher to get rid of, and I managed to pick up two albums I really wanted, "The Soft Bulletin" by The Flaming Lips, and "The Colour and The Shape" by The Foo Fighters. Both are super pretty, and I am very happy with my purchases.

Band practise on Friday went so so so well, we finished our intro song, which is super quick and uber metal, with an expansive finger tapping solo, and I love it dearly. We played through the rest of the other tracks, and then we got down to a bit of writing, and wrote a really smooth acoustic number, and I finally get to use some freaking bass octaves at long last, so I'm happy. After practise P-I-M-P Dan came over and picked me up and I went over to the pub with Lee and the usual supects. I didn't drink, and I was home feeling really great at about 12, where I avoided my sister and her strange friends.

Saturday was the day designated for partying, and holy shit party we did. Dave was the first to arrive, and after that people came in thick and fast, until I think there were about 30 or so people there. Alex and Tom had the bright idea of skating some cars in the road, leading to a hefty bill for a now bonnet on one of the cars come Sunday morning. Everyone was having a really cool time, Edd bought along his girlfriend (She is real after all), and everyone was drinking lots and having a great evening. Look. Pictures. I think my Dad took them. Whichever.

It was all getting fairly personal by this stage. If you're interested, my leg is on the left side, the one with the hand on the knee. Doesn't it look nice? I was pretty wasted by this time, which is always nice.

More people, including Edd, Carly and Jo. I think Luke was telling them a rude story.

John is so scene.

Josh stumbled blindly into the kitchen for more beer, then stumbled back. Good lad.

Then, it all went vomit-tastic.

I was talking to Sophie in the doorway, and we were talking about how much Newbie had had to drink and how completely slaughetered he was. I have photographic proof. He's in the middle, Josh on the left, Big Dave on the right.

By our reckoning, he'd had 2 cans of Blackthorn and one of Matt's Carlsbergs, and I said that he should be OK on that, but she begged to differ. Soph had the firm opinion that she thought he was going to be sick, and I said he'd better do it outside or I'd burn him. I gave her a big hug because she's lovely, then suddenly Newbie comes flying out of my frontroom and projectile vomits all over my back, the hallway, the rug, the door, the stuff went fucking everywhere. Sophie owes me some serious loving, that would have hit her square in the face if I wasn't there. I bundled him outside and peeled off my shirt (Good job I have a nice body isn't it folks?) and then Luke, Sarah and I spent the next 20 or so minutes cleaning up the biggest puddle of sick I have ever seen in my entire life. It smelled so freaking disgusting, I'm glad I can handle my drink otherwise I would have been gagging all over the place. He spent the rest of the evening on a chair in my garden drinking water and making little puking noises. Poor fucker. When this gets around the sixth form he's doomed.

Anyway, the night was a total success, everyone had amazing fun and the music went down really well, which was a nice change for a party around here. We decided it was better if Newbie slept over with all the others, so we parked him on the couch, and he was out like a log straight away.

By now, Saturday had merged into;

We watched Monty Python, and then Wayne's World (The footage Linz took from the bohemian rhapsody bit is awesome), and then we decided it was time to go for a walk. I grabbed my camera, a sweater and some shoes, and we were ready to go. Photography is a hobby of mine. However, this doesn't guarentee I'm any good at it.

Ash says my camera flash is very bright. He's right.

Everything went all Blair Witch, as we foraged through the foliage. Check me out with the Alliteration.

Eventually, we all got onto the golf course, and frolicked in it's goodness. See?

Tom and Eddie take every opportunity to have a good old joust.

Tom also says the camera flash is bright. He's right too. This photo was accompanied by a scream. Do you think Tom looks like a gnome in this photo?

We got back at about 4:30 am, and everyone gradually went to sleep, except Eddie, who stayed awake and stared at everyone else. He scares me a little.

We went over to the new skatepark this afternoon, and it was pretty cool. Ed snapped his deck coming off the kicker, Alex varial flipped the box, and Luke and I had a wail of a time sliding around the pipes in our socks. It's times like this I wish I could skate a little better. My pitiful kickflip over the planks paled in comparison to the monster ollie this blonde kid pulled, he went right over a board, stood up vertically. It was super high and he was really stoked after doing it.

I'm getting really tired of typing now. Nothing much else has happened. I spent 10 minutes trying to put my bracelets like JC's are on Jess' journal, and I got there in the end. Can you say scene?

I am mad tired, and I think I'm going to get off to bed now, even though it's only 8. What a great weekend.

For now my friends, goodbye.

+ Shit. That was long. If you read all of that, you're crazy. Heh.
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