Because I'm bored and alone and have been wanting to do this for a while, here are two roleplay memes.
Pick a character and I will give and explain the top five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while roleplayinging that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them. Any and all characters welcome (including ones I haven't
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- She's polite to a fault. Always. Even with enemies. Even with close friends and family. Take care to add things like "I'm sorry to ask this, but...", "I apologise for this, but...", "would it be alright if..." etc, etc.
- She n_n's a lot; at her enemies, when in mortal peril, etc, but she's not a typical "n_n character". That is, she won't hide her feelings or her pain needlessly, especially not with the people she knows and trusts. She knows how unhealthy that kind of behaviour is.
- She's very kind and compassionate. It's the source of her power, after all, and she will always be very concerned about the welfare of others. This isn't to say she'll exaggerate matters (if it's just the common cold, it's just the common cold) or be overprotective or coddling when she knows you can handle it.
- She's not an airhead. Those weird observations and odd ways of making sense of hers do actually make sense; they're never ever nonsensical.
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