Feb 22, 2007 20:58
we have to have my old cat bullet put to sleep tomorrow.
he was born when i was 8, in my house by the stray cat the foloowed me home.
my mom picked him as the one to keep because he was slow and shy and seemed to need us the most
he looked like a lynx, hes a huge cat, built really big
the last couple of years hes taken to chasing dogs near our yard, and scares the crap out of them
a man kicked him in the face once because he was vicious after his dog, and he lost a tooth.
he loved his brother opie and would always clean him and try and nudge him inside when it was bedtime.
he was in love with my mom and i used to think he was jealous of my dad. he would always curl up on her lap watching tv.
last few years he wouldnt meow, he would make more of a "MRRRRATTTTT!!" sound
him and zelda were totally in love.i always caught them spooning and walking around the yard entwined.
he liked being outside in the sun a lot.
hes always been very good to his brother and sister cats
when i was a kid him and his mommma used to sleep in my bed and he was so huge i could just wrap my arms around him and sppoon
when i lived on my own with jessica and kel he would leap in my bed and demand cuddles
anyway, hes been basically a deadly cat for 15 years, but hes sick and the last few days hes been going downhill and we know its time.
love to bullet always. <3