Jul 15, 2010 03:22

So, tonight. Oh lord. Tonight Katie and I decided that 1230am was a great time to go flail around campus and talk about Slender Man and freak ourselves out. We swang...swung...swinged on the swings for a while and then went to sit on this brick wall by the Minerva statue. About 130am rolls around, we're just talking, and this kid on a bike rides by. This is normal on the UNCG campus, but what is not normal is the way he rode his bike into the bushes, flipped off the bike, and ended up completely engulfed by greenery.
Katie and I run over to help him, and find that he has a giant bottle of malt liquor in his hands. His comments? "That was excellent response time." about our quick arrival to his aid, despite the fact that we were twenty feet away from the bushes at the time of his collision with them. "You guys should do that for a living." Says very drunk man. "Are you sure you're ok?" Asks concerned Thyra and bemused Katie. "Yeah, I just drink a lot." Says Captain Obvious. After that, he got back on his bike and rode away, at which point we officially decreed him Not Our Problem. 
I really just needed to write that down somewhere, because the image of him just fly headfirst into these bushes and then being like "Excellent response time" needs to live in my journal for all of time.
The End.

why am i still awake, insanity, friends

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