May 11, 2009 12:57
Things I really need to stop doing:
Watching the following: Scrubs, Star Trek: TOS, Jon and Kate plus Eight, High School Musical.
I had a dream that I took the Gosslin sextuplets to see High School Musical Live. Seriously, it has been weird dream central over here, and they're always silly or deeply disturbing. And they usually involve fandom. I had one where Sara Sidle was killed, and Grissom was investigating it, which would never happen, because he is so beyond comprosmised there, he could never be impartial about his Sara. I also had one where Luigi and Pavi bought an apartment. I really have to start drugging myself before I go to sleep or something.
Back in the real world, I'm down to one exam on Wedns. Psychology, which I have a good solid C in. It's Eugenics I'm panicking about. And voice. I know that seems weird, but I desperately need that A in there, and she hasn't posted grades or anything. And I'm sure I bombed the Eugenics exam, I have no idea what I was doing. But enough about that. After my exam, I'm headed to Nashvegas to see my dearest Nettie AKA E Bizzle, as I'm calling her, cause I'm so gangsta. We're going to the Ren Fest, as is our way. Hopefully, I will not be mute this year as I was seven long years ago on my 13th birthday.
Once I get back, I turn twenty (*GULP*) and move into Weil-Winfield to start round two of my education: Summer School! Summer School in college is so much more chill than in high school. I'm taking English Legacy the first six weeks and Philosophy the second six weeks. I have a single dorm room, no roommate, yay! The room is also air conditioned, and has a closet and sink in the room. I couldn't be more thrilled.
I'm currently signed up for eighteen hours of classes in the fall, god help me. I'll probably end up dropping at least one, maybe two., It's going to be tough not to drop math, but I really just need to take the class and move on with my life.
Am also trying to get a job with The Maids, but who knows if that'll come through. I'll keep you posted.
Well, that's all I got right now. More later.