Aug 29, 2006 22:17
No internet. No internet until September 7th at least, apparently, FYI. I write this from under the bandwidth leeching tree, where I've determined that the last three lousy seats of Organic Chemistry lab which have been freed up by people not paying their bills have been reserved by the department, and not (oddly enough) for crazy people willing to stalk the night looking for unencrypted wireless access points. Tomorrow I shall have to ask in person if I fit some other category that might get one. Perhaps I'm lucky and all they want is people who already are enrolled in class? I'm not sure if I hope to spend three more hours of my week, 2 more credit hours of tuition, $200 more on books, and gods only know how long studying, or not. Probably.
I think I was about right with this. Ten years ago, microbiology and college level o-chem would have bored me to tears, since I'd sort of done half of it before, and felt rather arrogant about the other half - now it's been ten years since then, and half of it is new. If I can do this, I'll be proving something, and if I want to do this, I'll be proving something else.
And now it's time to stop worrying my mother and go in and get something cooling.