Meme the first, weird habits
Ground rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself" and the people who get tagged need to then write a LJ entry about their five quirky little habits as well as state the rules of this game clearly. In the end, you need to list the next five people who you want to tag. (
autumnwolfsong invited me to play, and hey, somehow it ended up not in my head?)
Quirk the first: I write LJ posts in my head, and then fail to post them. I'm too busy. Or there's other things to do. Or I reach the point that I've thought things out and no longer need to talk about them. Or I second-guess wanting to tell that story right now, relevant / amusing as it might be. Or I reach the point that I've finally written the damn thing down, but feel like it needs polish, and by the time I get around to it again, realize it relates to some current event which is no longer by any means current (6 month after the fact commentary on Leia in SW:EpIII, I'm looking at you).
Quirk the second: I've been playing World of Warcraft (that might be quirk enough for some), and playing my mage character I feel bad about leaving perfectly good pixellated beast corpses lying around. I mean, my other character would be able to use those, the skins are valuable; the life of a small herd of nonexistent pixel-dinosaurs was lost last night, no part of that should go to waste. It's the human's perfectly reasonable "use what you take" environmentalism transposed into a land where it's, er, quirky at best -
wyrdone thinks it's hilarious.
Quirk the third: I do not lie, that's pretty much absolute; words that come out of my mouth that are merely insufficiently conditionaled feel wrong the minute I say them. If you get a tacked-on "from what I heard yesterday" or "unless I get hit by a meteorite" now you know where it's coming from. On the other hand, I do sometimes get caught, as I am now, in ethical dilemmas in that gray area between lying and not telling the truth. It's complicated. Despite the absolutist nature of not lying, I don't believe that the best thing in life is to do no wrong; not playing Werewolf because lying doesn't suit me is an acceptable compromise, but not sheltering Jews in Nazi Germany isn't.
Quirk the fourth: I persist in using common sense despite being proven wrong many times. Anyone else would have given up in disgust after it took
wyrdone all of two months to train Amber the cat to stay on the (basically wide open, low to the ground, fenceless) back deck using nothing but occasional voice command ("NO, bad kitty, stay on the deck!"). I told him it wouldn't really shouldn't've. *facepalms*
Quirk the fifth: I make odd squeaky burbly noises when tickled. I realized recently I have no idea how long I've been doing this, where I got it from if I didn't just start doing it on my own, etc. I really ought to stop this, as it seems to make people want to tickle me.
And I'll let whoever wants to play, do so....
Meme the second, ask me questions!
Ask me a single question about me and I will answer it the best I can. Comments are screened.
(As befits Quirk the Third, your answer will be true, in some sense or another, if it exists. Answers related to mentioned ethical issue - likely to not exist.)