Jul 28, 2003 14:41
So been promising to update this for a while. To bring everyone up to speed here is a quick run down.
We found out Kat was pregnant so went in to get it looked at. Ultrasound and xray showed it was a tubal pregnancy (which explained the pain katie was in).
2 days ago katie got it abortedin time to avoid damage to herself and to avoid having to be cut open to do so. We got luck we caught it fast enough.
Been very busy and tired lately I have only been getting to work occasionally and katie has been all but bed ridden. SHe is recovering well and looking forward to being able to swim again.
On another note I have not been on here for a while so well out of date and there are just way to many backposts from yall to be able to read them all. I will be trying to get ahold and see all of yall soon. Saw the buttery twins briefly. Sorry you two, but we are still really beaten down atm. Will see you again soon though.
That is about all for now ttyl