Nov 06, 2008 23:33
If there's any way to be "in love" with a song, then boy, am I there!
"Far Away," by Nickelback.
One of the best songs...EVER! I grin like a maniac when it comes on the radio and get all hyper. Yet when I play it at home from AOL Music or YouTube, I just give a huge, 'romantic' sigh. I have pretty much only girls on my list, so I'm sure you'll all know what I mean. It's just like, "Oh, wow...that's so incredibly, make-you-want-to-squeal sweet!" You know what I mean, when you just want to go, "EEE!" instead of just going, "Awww."
Because with a great song like can't just say "Aww." I mean, I can't for one. Don't know about y'all. But you should all totally look it up and listen to it. Watch the video, too. Though it made Amanda and I cry when we watched it together. And I had seen it before! I don't know why I still cried, but I did! It's sweet. Beyond sweet can describe. *goes into all sorts of poetic words*
But yeah.
Check it out.
You're missing out on one of life's most important things if you don't.
How is it important?
I'unno. xD
Cause I said so? *shrugs*