Saturday, September 9, 2006

Sep 09, 2006 22:24

General Narnia Fiction
- narnianqueen119 wrote A Bond Unbreakable: Vol. 1, Ch. 1: When We Were Young. Short glimpses of Susan and Edmund when they were little children. (Susan/Edmund - G). Incest.
- xsay_goodnight wrote The Boy Smiles. Lucy can remember the first time that she made Edmund smile. A real, true, happy smile that made everything in Narnia shine brighter than it already did. (Edmund/Lucy - G). Incest.

Real Person Fiction
- None today.

- None today.

- deliciouslyebil posted 37 Narnia & 2 Will icons.
- anewheaven posted 6 Narnia Animations.
- sawyer posted 15 Narnia icons in a multi-fandom post.
- maskedsolider posted Peter & Aslan icons (50/50).
- _star_icons posted 24 Will icons in a multi-fandom post.

- Nomination Reminder & Tally posted at narnia_awards.
- tattooedsiren posted nominations at narnia_awards.
- Challenge 16 Voting posted at popplewell_ic.
- aiken_4clay posted nominations at narnia_awards.

rpeate posted her thoughts upon finishing reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

- strutyourstuff6 would like to be rated at narnia_ratings.
- Mod post posted at narnia_ratings.
- doodlespoon would like to be rated at narnia_ratings.

*Note to Writers and Icon-makers: narnian_herald reporters would gratefully request for you to rate your fiction, add summaries, warnings and/or icon counts so that users do not have to beware. Thank you very much.

*Also, if you have a journal or community that you would like monitored by this newsletter, please leave a comment here. If you would like to see the list of communities we watch, go to our watcher journal's profile here.
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