Tuesday, 29 August 2006

Aug 29, 2006 18:58

General Narnia Fiction
none today.

Real Person Fiction
none today.

none today.


maiohwmai posted a picture of William and Anna.

mia_liz posted 6 William Moseley icons.

_sgtpeppers posted 4 icons.

morningstar4 posted 8 icons.


narnia_icontest has 3 new banner makers for the community.

narnia_icontest announced the winners of the 42nd challenge.

narnia_icontest announced the 43rd challenge.

*Note to Writers and Icon-makers: narnian_herald reporters would gratefully request for you to rate your fiction, add summaries, warnings and/or icon counts so that users do not have to beware. Thank you very much.

*Also,if you have a journal or community that you would like monitored by this newsletter, please leave a comment here. If you would like to see the list of communities we watch, go to our watcher journal's profile here.
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