I've never successfully completed a National Novel Writing Month Novel, and my first year of teaching is probably not the best time to try again, but one of my friends asked me to do it with her, and I will have Teacher's Convention and Thanksgiving and everything, so:
The book is a kind of forbidden romance between two mages who first get together as friends and fellow scholars. They are Grown Ups and very, terribly mature about the whole forbidden love thing once it shows up, so I may be the only person who will find this refreshing, not boring.
Their friendship will be instrumental in saving her kingdom in some great battle towards the end, but I haven't decided who or what they are going to be fighting yet.
On the plus side, I think my main characters may have names now.
Incidentally, if anyone knows of an existing myth, legend or fantasy story with a wizard named Mark, I'd love to hear it for background.
So, one "unsuccessful" day down, 29 to go!