Reminder: Narnia Big Bang prompt posting opens this Sunday!

Oct 14, 2011 15:55

We're going to open a post on Sunday where you can post as many prompts as you like in the comments. Remember, prompts can be anything from quotes to key words to scenes to pictures to plot bunnies, etc. I know there are a lot of people looking for inspiration, so please, even if you don't plan on participating in any other way, post some prompts for the authors! Now's the time to toss out your favorite fic scenario and see what happens! :)

And authors, it is not mandatory to claim a prompt if you already have your own ideas, but we think it would be fun if you claimed something and worked it in, even if it's just a one word prompt. Again, not mandatory, just a fun idea.

One prompt per comment should be good, but you can post as many comments as you like! The prompt post will be open for week, so don't worry if you don't have all your prompts ready on Sunday.

Any questions? Comment here, or email to

big bang, admin

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