Challenge 3: Banners (SO SORRY!)

Aug 14, 2006 21:33

Oh my gosh, guys. Wow.
I know I suck.
I'm so sorry for being so slow with these... please forgive me.







If you would like to post these in your userinfo or in an awards post, you'll have to hotlink upload them to your own host.

I hope you like the banners!!
Haha, lots of ties... perhaps we should have just one winner for each ranking from now on? ~_^

AND DON'T FORGET - Challenge 4 - Jadis

I'm hoping my fellow moderators are OK with this, please let me know if this is a problem.
I think it's best that we extend this challenge to next Tuesday, August 21st, at 12:00 AM Eastern Time.
You may submit up to 3 icons, usual rules apply.
(Read the rules before entering.)
Enter your icons HERE for Jadis!

And PLEASE pimp this community!!
Summer is coming to a close, and I'd like to see more members, more challenges and more entries! ^-^


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