1. Name: Lily C. Thatchh
2. Nicknames:Billy, Captain, Hyde…the list is endless
3. Age: 16
4. Three positive adjectives that describe you:
5. Three negative adjectives that describe you:
this might be against the rules or whatever but I do this in every rating community, it seems to help people figure me better, I got this after I took
This test
messy, disorganized, social, tough, outgoing, rarely worries, self revealing, open, risk taker, likes the unknown, likes large parties, makes friends easily, unpredictable, likes to stand out, reckless, negative, strong, does not like to be alone, at ease about chaos, rash, abstract, impractical, not good at saving money, paranoid, thrill seeker, not rule conscious, enjoys leadership, strange, rarely irritated, anti-authority, attracted to the counter culture, fearless, fame seeking, sarcastic
(these make me seem mean but I'm really not, if you reread and think about it some of them are positive and some are negative)
6. Interests/hobbies/talents: Reading, Computer, TV….. Yes, I know, I lead a more impressing life than James Bond, Im curious as to how I always seem to have something that Im doing but nothing worth commenting on.
7. Things you don't like/aren't as good at: Im not all that wonderful at forgiving people; I hold on to things.
8. Name one thing you love: Good stories or literature, not just books mind you, but TV..I love TV =D
9. Name one thing you hate: Ignorance in all its forms
10. Character from Narnia (can be from any of the books/movies):
Movies; Peter, he was just done wonderful to me
Books; I always liked Aravis from The Horse and His Boy
11. Scene from the first book/movie:
I really liked the scene from the movie when Lucy was looking for a place to hide and then found the wardrobe, it was done beautifully with wonderful music. Plus the first time I watched it, I watched it with my little 93 year old grandma. And she knew the song, “Oh Johnny” playing in the background from when her brothers went and fought in World War II; that was a really extraordinary moment for me.
12. Quote from the first book/movie:
Susan Pevensie: The professor knew we were coming.
Edmund Pevensie: Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled.
Pick one~
14. Honor, Love, Power, Vengeance, Intelligence, Loyalty:
15. Adventure, Imagination, Truth, Wealth:
Are you more~
16. Playful or serious?: I cant honestly answer this question; I change so much on a minute by minute basis. But mostly I am playful
17. Determined or accepting?: I think its Determined but my sister insists its just me being stubborn
18. Powerful or weak?: er…..ok I guess Im powerful. But isn’t this like a trick question. If I say Im powerful I could be being arrogant but if I say I am weak I could feeling sorry for myself….
19. Smart or creative?: Creative
20. Nice or mean?:Nice
21. Aggressive or passive?: Passive
22. Hyper or laid back?: Laid Back
23. Is there anything else you'd like to include?:
well no not really.
24. Please post two clear photos of yourself (these are very helpful but if you are not comfortable with this, please state so and you may skip this step). I’d rather not