Challenge 75: A Free Narnia

Jul 14, 2007 21:13

1. Enter up to seven icons
2. All must adhere to the LiveJournal icon settings. (40kb, 100x100)
3. Do not show your entries to anyone until after winners are announced.
4. Use only the images provided (textures, stock, brushes may be used).

NO IMAGES! Why? This is the seventy-fifth challenge, of course! A landmark for narnia_icontest!

You may enter up to SEVEN ICONS (as there are seven books) of ANYTHING YOU WANT as long as it's related to Narnia. BUT NOT ICONS OF THE ACTORS. It must be the characters. Or drawings, or quotes...whatever. They obviously must be 100x100 or less, and no more than 40KB. But those are the only standards. Be creative!

All entries are due Friday, July 20th at noon EST.
itcomesinlove has banners this time around. Please comment to confirm!!

The banners for the Challenge 74 can be found here.

prompt, challenge 75

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