Round 15: Rules and Info

Jun 05, 2012 21:00

Round Number 15:

• Icons must be made originally for this challenge, no prior work may be submitted. If it is found that you do submit previous work, you will be disqualified from the next challenge.
• All work must be your own, not someone else's.
• Make sure all images are PG rated. Meaning no nudity, bad language (including abbreviations) etc.
• Icons must fit the Livejournal standard, under 40 kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif, or .jpg file format.
• When posting the finished 20 please leave 3 icon examples, not a banner, and a link to the icon post/or lj-cut to your journal.
• Post the completed icons at once.
• The icon post must be unlocked for two reasons. (1) I need to be able to see your entries to post voting and (2) so people don't have to join to view your icons. (If they do join, it's a perk for you)
• ALL entries are moderated, which means that I have to accept the entry before it's made visible to the public.
• I have provided a table for you, but if you are having problems or do not wish to use it, you can make your own. Just make sure you level your icons in order of the themes(as they appear in the list below) and are listed as: 10 Themes, Category (along with the name of the category) and Artist Choice (number those #1-5).
• USE THE FOLLOWING TAGS: round 15, username: (your username), claim: (your claim).
• DO add a subject. FORMAT AS: Round 15 - CHARACTER CLAIM.
• Completed 20 are due JUNE 25TH!

REMINDER: If you chose to do a pairing, make sure that BOTH characters are in your icons!

THEMES (10 icons)

Box, catastophe, disheveled, fact or fiction, nemesis, once upon a time, phantasmagoria*, realistic, reverse, and shocking.

*phantasmagoria - bizarre images: a series or group of strange or bizarre images seen as if in a dream; ever-changing scene: a scene or view that encompasses many things and changes constantly [Early 19th century. < French fantasmagorie "art of making optical illusions"] Encarta ® World English Dictionary

CATEGORY (5 icons)

Fūrinkazan - a battle strategy from The Art of War - Be swift as the wind, be as silent as the forest, be immovable like a mountain, attack as fiercely as fire, be impenetrable like a shadow, and move like lightning.

You can choose any five from the list, and use them in your icons. You can use the text or just use the ideas. Replace the Category # with each strategy that you choose.


swift as the wind
move like lightning
immovable like a mountain
attack as fiercely as fire
silent as the forest


5 icons of your choosing (as long as it has your claim in the icon)!

List of Participants

BoxCatastropheDisheveledFact or FictionNemesis
Once upon a TimePhantasmagoriaRealisticReverseShocking


Category #1Category #2Category #3Category #4Category #5


Artist Choice #1Artist Choice #2Artist Choice #3Artist Choice #4Artist Choice #5

!rules & info, round 15

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