Things that piss me off.

Jul 18, 2005 17:26

I was woken up by a call from OneTel this morning about paying my most recent bill. Considering I stated a month ago to the most senior person in the call centre point-blank that I suspended my direct debit and would not be paying them until the problems were fully fixed, I had some answers to my very basic questions about why I didn't have service for two and a half months, why the call centre in India and the tech team in London can't seem to communicate and until I'm actually called back when told I will be, I tore the guy a new arsehole. I think it's disgusting that I've been a customer of theirs since 2001 and recommended them to literally hundreds of people but they can only phone me for money and not for customer satisfaction.

After checking today's post to find that there are no packages that were supposed to be redelivered, I called Royal Mail. Although delivery offices are supposed to check their email from customer service no less than every forty-eight hours, my local one has not so they have no idea my packages was supposed to be redelivered Saturday or today. This shouldn't have been necessary in the first place if they had bothered to buzz my flat before leaving undelivered cards or if they bothered to try to gain entry to the building instead of throwing everything that fits under the front door or if the first person I called had put my redelivery request in the correct part of their computer system.

To summarise: Outsourcing to other countries, monopolies and privitisation of crucial services are bad.

daily life

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