Insert sardonic political subject line here.

Jan 29, 2005 06:15

We Have Met The Enemy, And It Is US (Corporate Media)
A must-read. Well worth ten minutes of your life.

Chechnya's 'independent international Islamic Internet agency'
In other words, news about Chechnya, Caucausus, Russia and the Islamic world from the viewpoint of Chechen seperatist freedom fighters or terrorists (depending on one's own viewpoint). I am so amused by the inclusion of just one UK newspaper in their news links - The Independent.

Streams of all 3 parts of 'The Power of Nightmares' documentary
This is a must watch, especially for Americans, Brits and Australians. It will change your views on everything your governments are doing.

The female victims of the Iraq occupation
It is not okay to detain women because they're the sisters, wives, girlfriends or neighbours of suspected insurgents. It's not okay to torture them, not least in front of their children. It's not okay to sexually assault or rape them. That is not 'winning hearts and minds.' That creates a much larger insurgency; those are war crimes.

Approximately 5,500 US soldiers have deserted so far
Although a coordinated effort is better than soldiers having to sneak through the border to Canada on their own, it certainly says something that there is once again an 'underground railroad' to get these fleeing soldiers to safety.

Last four Britons released from Gitmo
Then, almost immediately:
Australian citizen Mamdouh Habib released from Gitmo
The release of citizens from two 'coalition' countries at the same time cannot be coincidental.

Is the next US invasion target Iran?
Seymour Hersh thinks so, and that it's already happening.

President Bush says his re-election proves Americans agree with his decision to invade Iraq; no need to hold any administration officials accountable for mistakes made in planning for the war or its aftermath as a result
Yep, that's right -- he's foisting the responsibility of his actions on the American people, who as scapegoats en masse will be even more targeted by those who seek vengeance for those actions.

47% of 21,953 people questioned in BBC World Service poll now see US influence in the world as largely negative, and view Americans negatively as well
Why are they surprised that anti-Bush sentiments are strong in Latin America? US anti-drug policy is foreign policy in that region.

Unemployed Lebanon-born German car salesman alleges he was kidnapped in Europe, beaten and flown to US-controlled jail in Afghanistan; German government investigating
Has anyone heard anything else about this?

Ariel Sharon orders all contact to be severed with Mahmoud Abbas until militants reigned in
Abbas is far more moderate than Arafat ever was -- and unlike both Arafat and Sharon, Abbas seems to desire peace. So of course the Israeli government won't talk with him.

Since then...
Israel vows total war on Gaza militants
The Ha'aretz has an interesting analysis of the situation here.

Tsunami-stricken Thailand told by EU to buy six double-decker Airbus A380 aircraft to escape tarrifs on its fishing industry; EU refuses to budge on cumarin duties

US plans 'robot troops' for Iraq
The Foster-Miller company is owned by the QinetiQ Group, a joint venture between the UK's Ministry of Defence and US-based holding company, Carlyle Group.
Uh... there shouldn't any joint venture between the MoD and the Carlyle Group. That's just wrong.

Pentagon Files Reveal More Allegations of Abuse in Iraq, including at least 90 incidents at Adhamiya Palace

Ohio recount volunteers allege electoral tampering, legal violations and possible fraud

Virginia Delegate to withdraw HB 1677 after firestorm of controversy on web
I originally posted about it here after seeing it on giagia. Bloggers 1, scary authoritarian policitians 0.

In Run-Up to New European Union Drug Strategy, European Parliament Adopts Report Critical of Continued Drug War

World press responses to Bush's inauguration
I particularly like Germany's Die Tageszeitung, closely followed by Hungary's Nepszabadsag and the Czech Republic's Mlada fronta Dnes.

Global warming approaching point of no return

Jon Stewart on the non-satirical evening news?
Asked twice, Moonves wouldn't rule out a role on the evening news for Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, whose "The Daily Show" skewers politicians and the news media each night. Moonves is co-chief executive of Viacom, which owns both CBS and Comedy Central.
Jon Stewart (whom I've fancied since he was a stand-up comedian) or Bill Maher. Please?

Pentagon reveals rejected chemical weapons

Federal judge says no to Georgia county's creationist sticters on textbooks

A child's view of America; its media and what I will inherit.
Although I don't think a 15-year-old is a child, this article by one in liberal commie pinko MA (my home state, natch) is really very good.

British Government Tripping on Magic Mushroom Policy

Harvard president says women are poor at science
After saying men outperform women in maths and sciences because of biological difference, he fails to notice irony when following with discrimination is no longer a career barrier for female academics.

FBI launches massive manhunt for four Chinese scientists and two Iraqis said to be planning to detonate 'dirty bomb' in Boston

SpongeBob SquarePants part of homosexual agenda
Joints Bert and Ernie in a sordid gay threesome.

White House Cuts Hubble Servicing Mission from 2006 Budget Request

Lincoln, RI school district cancels spelling bee in misinterpretation of 'No Child Left Behind' Act
I serioiusly doubt that there's any towns in America without sport teams at the elementary school level (who can afford them), whether they're run by the schools or the town itself. I doubt the same option is there for the kids who will no longer have spelling bees, which is sad, because chances are that it's them who need help with their self-esteem.

Transgendered people can now change their birth certificates in the UK

Tenn. State Senator Says He Keeps Two Families
That's not unusual. What is unusual is that they all know about each other and he seems to still be involved with both women. Ford's allegedly a sleazeball -- but his family situation is at least vaguely poly.

The last Jew in Afghanistan

The 'gay' Lincoln controversy
No cookies for guessing my opinion on this.

thatabbygirl's Q&As on California Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger's Prosposed State Budget

UN opens Official Document System (ODS), the premier full-text web resource for official United Nations documentation, to general public

Also, I started a syndicated feed for DRCNet's Prohibition and the Media blog at drugwarandmedia. Go join to find out what mainstream news outlets are saying about the War on (some) Drugs all over the world.

drug policy, politics, urls

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