Sigh, so we have a government now. A fucking Tory government. Gordon Brown resigned and David Cameron is now in Number 10. When oh when will the woolly liberals ever get into power?
In other news, I have my own laptop back! Hell yeah, now I can do whatever I want on the internet without having to borrow someone else's computer and getting into fights when my little sister wants it. Score.
In other other news, I am picking up way too many DR characters again. And it got me thinking, I wonder if I have a character username for every letter of the alphabet. THIS IS NOW MY GOAL. A goal that conflicts with my goal to get under 10 characters, but still a goal.
acerfossor B -
booksprout C -
clownisavamp D -
darkboot2thehd E -
endless_clown F -
followmyrule ? Technically not a DR character or someone I've ever played but it still counts!
G -
guns_n_lace H -
historicspirit I -
iforgotabaddon J -
jesusing_clown K -
komuiofthelamp L -
lolifake M -
mamamugen N -
normal_really O -
oddjobbing Also not a DR character SHUT UP
P -
paralysie Q - ...Curses, foiled again
R - jiiiiii
S -
silver_treasure BACK ON TRACK
T -
toppedbyharem U -
unwinged_boots V - D
W - A
X - M
Y - N
Z- :(
So I need 8 new characters to fulfill my dream. Knowing me, that won't be hard.