May 18, 2009 17:15
So the stock market was up today. It's reported that it was "up due to the good news of the housing market" and other such sentiments. What I don't understand is that the stock market is thought of like some moody child that does good or bad based on what people think about it. What sense does that make? Why does everything hinge on something so fickle? I can understand that it plunged because of a bunch of bad dealings going on. That makes sense. But when people say it's bouncing back due to news. I don't get it. If that all it takes to make it come back? Good feelings? If it's that easy couldn't it come back if everyone thought happy thoughts about it? Economics makes my brain ache. I will at some point have to take an economics class, but it's going to be an agricultural economics course. That too is a little fuzzy.
So I'm probably going to be writing on here a little more. I feel like starting a proper blog, but I don't want to be a douchebag, so this will have to suffice for a while. We'll see.