life update

Oct 19, 2008 15:21

I don't know why, but every year it really takes me by surprise when it gets cold out, and I'm never ready. But it's like, IDIOT, this happens every year! It's called seasons!  But anyway.  Everyone around me is getting sick/ getting over it, and I'm pretty good at staving that off by drinking lots of tea and getting enough sleep in, but I totally just opened the door to any and all flu/ cold viruses this weekend by drinking un-tea liquids, fucking up my sleep schedule and then getting caught outside without enough layers on.

Other fails in life include:
- My parents have been bugging me to get skype so it'll be easier for them to get in touch with me while they're overseas.  Finally I succumbed, only to realize that there's absolutely no point since I don't have a mic.
- Jess started to be really active in our group sketch blog, and she sent out a direct challenge for her to post 10 drawings up before Katie or me even post one.  So I'm at work, and I'm just like, 'bitch, bring it,' and mentally clocked out of my job early to stave her off.  So of course, when I realize that I'm still sitting around at my job ten after six on a Friday, I posted a crappy drawing real quick, and then proceeded to save over a week's worth of actual work with my crappy sketch.  Which translates to about losing 4 hours of work for real, but still. That sucked.  But the thing about computer fails like this- it's like, this infallible truth that cannot be changed, so I never panic over this sort of shit. I just accept it, come up with a backup plan, and go forth.  Actually, I sort of read it like a message from fate, because the second time you do something is usually better. But then again, this specific incident is for work, so, it doesn't really matter.
- We tried to get over to the Ikea ferry before 9 so we could get Swedish meatballs before the cafeteria closes (also, Kohki needed a bowl) but the JMZ train has never failed to suck (esp on the weekends), and this was no different, so we ended up not going and we stayed up until 3 playing mah jong because we're gangster old grandparents like that.  And since there were only three of us, we had this imaginary fourth guy who we figured out was channeling like, the mj god or something because after we checking his tiles, he'd be like, the closest to winning with his natural hand than anybody else.  Also, the bastard always had the tiles that we needed to win,  and we'd pick out arbitrary ones to throw out for him blindly, and they were never anything we needed. Goddamn you, imaginary mj god.
- My place is awesome in the morning to the mid afternoon because the window faces south and the sun just glides across the room as the day progesses, and it's so nice to nap on the couch on a chilly day with the sun on you. It's just a goddamn shame that during the week, I am never here to really relish that. :(


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