(no subject)

Jan 15, 2006 15:01

I lost my cellphone on Friday night. One of my colleagues was celebrating her birthday and after taking her to a bar and getting her smashed, we all went to a club and things got a little crazy. I must have been enough far gone to not notice my cellphone had fallen out of my pocket but not enough to be annoyed by it later on. I'm still annoyed by this...not only did I pretty much lose all my contact numbers but dammit, I liked my phone. It wasn't the best there is and sometimes it downright sucked, but it was mine. I hate losing things especially when I've had them for awhile. I get attached.

*sigh* Hopefully the club will call me back and say they found it. If not, will have to shop for a new one. Can you guys do me a favor and email me your phone numbers? nariya81@yahoo.com. Unless you don't want me to have it..in which case I will find you and beat you with my stress ball.

Work's been going ok. I'm really starting to get...not quite bored but disenchanted with it. I've been doing the same thing for so long that it's getting almost tedious now. I love having my own team and being team leader and all but it really is time for a change. The problem is, how to bring this up with my manager? Everyone does at some point in our group, especially those who want to change groups. Recently, one of my co-workers got offered a position in the credit middle office (potentially something I want to do). I hate myself for not being more excited for him because he deserves it. But instead, I'm so jealous that he's moving on and I'm still doing the same thing. What's worse is that when I talked to T about this, she made the comment on how it seems like going to the funding group withing our area (settlements is broken up into 5 groups, funding being one them) is the ticket out of settlements. In which case I'm stuck because one does not go from managing your own team to being one that's managed. Or at least, no one good that is. And I like to think I am good or I wouldn't have been given a team to manage...so what to do? ARGH. Really need to have this conversation with my manager.

Other than that, it's been quiet. My brother had a party yesterday which I had the luck of not being home for. Of course we had our "don't let them come into the upstairs part of the house, no drinking+driving home, no smoking, don't get arrested or burn down the house" talk. Well the house is still standing and everyone got home ok. The basement is in one piece...it just reeks of beer. Which my brother fully intends to fix because my dad will FLIP OUT if he even gets a hint of what happened while they were on vacation. =\

Was going to include pics from the various work parties that happened this month and last but the pics are a little too big. As soon as I figure out how to make them smaller (but still visible), I'll post. And then you can see the group of fools I like to call my colleagues. *G*
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