just want to ramble again..

Aug 10, 2009 00:28

suddenly, i feel the need to ramble again..

                                                                      credits : TVXQ_4Rey @ TVXQindo
i don't know why, when i saw news about JaeChun being in Japan and HoSuMin being in Korea again tonight (09.08.09), some thoughts popped up in my head and i suddenly feel the need to ramble again..
therefore, please don't take this seriously..
this is just another one of my unimportant rambling..
i just feel the need to share this thought with someone, but all of my friends that like DBSK already go offline.

it's just...
somehow, i thought about another possibility of why HoMin aren't also doing the lawsuit thingie.
well, maybe first.. they have their drama contracts..
but.. maybe it is also a good thing that they still be SM good kids.
if it's not for them, i think DBSK won't be heard again in Korea anywhere unless if it's regarding the lawsuit.
but, thanks to HoMin being a good SM boy, they are still doing jobs (even if it was individual jobs), but at least people would know them as "U-Know Yunho" and "Choikang Changmin" which are their stage name from Dong Bang Shin Ki.

there's no way people will call Yunho as simply "Jung Yunho" and Changmin as simply "Shim Changmin".
at least, i think the media will call them "DBSK's U-Know Yunho" and "DBSK's Choikang/ Max Changmin".
that way, people will still heard something about DBSK and they won't be completely forgotten in Korea.
as if Cassiopeian will forgot them

as for ChunJaeSu.. well, it can't be helped in Korea.. but at least..
in Japan.. ChunJae are the most famous members and what about Su..? well, Su IS famous in his own way..  *cough* with his infamous oyaji gag.. *cough* LOL!!
also we all know most of (if not all) Japanese people sided with DBSK.

so maybe, for now, they are trying to be exist in both countries, until the time they can be together again as a group.. as 東方神起 (whether u want to read it as "Dong Bang Shin Ki" or "Tohoshinki" or even other ways of reading). and also, maybe because of this, they try to be secretive, and don't say anything to the public, but still reassure their fans that they are not intending to disband at all..

this is once again, just my assumption, but..
for now, i'm kinda "happy" for that and happy because my need to ramble is already released
if my thoughts were true, everything kinda makes sense..
and DBSK members plan it damn well...
anyhow, i hope for the best!!


edited at 11th August 09 :
thanks to someone.. *cough* Lola-unnie *cough* *cough* ^^;;
now i understand the real problem and almost lots of things behind the lawsuit thingie.
ur explanation enlighten me a lot, unnie.. thank you.. =)

well, i still leave my opinion more like unimportant rambling there, because well.. it was just my thoughts that day, before i understand the whole situation.. i already said that don't take it seriously.. xD

tvxq, dbsk, rambling, tohoshinki

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