I am still relatively new to the experience of being a member of a work organization with things like an HR department, holiday "merit banquets", and an obsession with a mediocre football team with a terrible color scheme. In a few short weeks, our Christmas meal will occur. I will trundle upstairs to get a plate and perhaps watch, again, the poorly edited slide-show/poem "the Night Before Christmas" starring the sweaty, house elf-like building director going from office to office while a deadpan narrator reads from the literary genius of some long retired secretary. ("Pie" does not rhyme with "tonight"!) Among the other employees of the building I and be faced with the predicament of deciding whether to sit beside the surly, forever unhappy janitor with the endless 'Nam stories, the Sarah Palin obsessed woman, or the obnoxious orca of a woman who gets paid three times more than I do to organize stupid holiday office parties. I will share a snippet of an email about this party that she sent out to everyone:
...I’m wondering if anyone would like the idea of a non-traditional meal for Wednesday. Rather than limiting to the usual holiday food, maybe bring in favorite ethnic dishes like lasagna, tacos, chicken fried rice, curry chicken, jambalaya, etc...
My differences with this person were great before this revelation about what she and (I am assuming) others in the building think is exotic. Lasagna? Apparently any school cafeteria offers a variety of food from other cultures for her to choose from.
This presents me with a new dilemma for this year's Christmas. For one if I go I am sure to be mildly offended that they think of hot dogs as german food, yet on the other hand this provides the impish side of me the chance to educate these people. Would you like some pho, Mr. 'Nam? How about some
masgouf Mrs. Mini-Palin? Why Mr. Building Director, you seem like a Hungarian goulash type of guy. Ah, and for you Ms. Orca, I cooked up some Australian Aboriginal delicacies for you: bat, opossum, even cricket. I know you are on the Atkins diet and all...