(no subject)

Jan 20, 2008 22:40

  • wowee at the giants, swistgart
  • Being sick sucks.
  • Sweeney Todd: ****/*****
  • Walk hard: ***/*****
  • Cloverfield: **/*****
  • Speaking of Cloverfield, how can an 85 minute movie be 25 minutes too long? For fuck's sake.
  • Songs #1 and #6 are awesome
  • Fucking Smash bros delay

1. Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2
2. Halo CE
3. Halo 2
4. Psychonauts
6. FFIV Advance
8. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
9. Skies of Arcadia
10. Front Mission DS
11. Call of Duty 4 DS
12. Finish GH2 Hard
13. Finish GH3 Hard
14. Eternal Sonata
15. Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
16. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
17. Riviera
18. Call of Juarez
19. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
20. Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
21. Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja
22. Mario Galaxy
23. Drawn to Life
24. Pokemon: Pearl
25. Crysis
26. Pay off Visa
27. Get free game off gametrailers
28. Pick up excercising again
29. Clean bedroom properly
30. Gamerscore of 20000
31. Ebay rating of 300
32. Finish Crackdown achievements
33. Sell PSP
34. Restart gundam models
35. Pay off MC
36. Fix pants
37. Fix windshield wiper
38. Ensure gift arrived for C
39. Ship last gift to A
40. Ship last gifts to L
41. Mail in RAM rebate
42. Prestige #3
43. Finish Halo 3 achievements
44. Finish CoD4 achievements
45. Heroes Season 1
46. Order new computer
47. Get VIN & title to get new keys
48. 2nd Halo novel
49. 3rd Halo novel
50. 2nd Firekeeper book
51. Watch Shoot 'Em Up
52. Watch 30 Days of Night
53. Watch Walk Hard
54. Watch Sweeney Todd
55. Watch season 2 of Heroes
56. Watch Cloverfield
57. Sell Halo 1/Halo 2
58. Put IDE drives in the comp
59. Assassin's Creed
60. Advances Wars: Day of Ruin
61. Read Stardust
62. Watch Jags/Pats
63. Smash Bros
64. Wolfquest
65. Sell/donate unwanted books
66. DMC4
67. Sell unwanted HD-DVDS
68. The Witcher
69. Replace all missing lightbulbs
70. No More Heroes
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