Life is crazy

Mar 01, 2011 11:25

So I need to vent alittle. (I know I have friends who read this so let the comments and anything I share here stay between us. I will mention people in this post and I dont want them to know I'm going off about them.)

My life would be crazy anyway with everyone's birthday lining up, trying to get a job, trying to transfer schools, but I get the added bonus of stuff. I have a boyfriend now and I like him alot. He will be coming home from Iraq in a couple of days. I am excited about that. But I know that he will be meeting my entire zoo of family and friends all at once and I'm a little nervous about that.

My biggest problem is my best friend and sister. She has struggled with depression for several years but it is the worst its ever been right now. The good news is shes finally going to get help for it. The bad news is I am constantly worried about her and it is draining. To know that really I can do nothing to make her better and then have to hear her talk about how everything in her life is crappy and that nothing is going right, (which is alittle true) but everytime she says this, I worry is this time she really will try to kill herself.

I feel like even though shes the one going to talk with someone and get help, I also need to talk with someone. I can't sleep and the slightest thing she says or does freaks me out. I got alittle angry with someone the other day for not help her out with a project. I mean he didnt know her situation so its not his fault but I lost it.

I really just need some advice on what to do. Remember if you know my sister doesnt say anything different to her, this is a personal thing.

real life sucks

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