i liiiiiiive!! bRAinS!

Nov 03, 2006 12:50

well, hasnt it been a while since i've been here...

this past week i've been soooooooo busy, i decided that in an effort to lighten the load, i'd take a break from lj. yeah, well, i used a replacement. And i did something very stupid involving facebook.

Heres the dish:

so, it involves boys. for those of you with facebook experience, you know this is a bad combo to begin with.

A&O, Late July: they let us stay in the dorms for Advising and Orientation, and i got there the day before, cuz im a dork like that. well, that morning, the boy, whom here i shall call Bread, and i both left our rooms to go take a shower at the same time. now, this was even more unusual, as we were right next to eachother. we then hung out together a bit, and exchanged cell numbers in hopes of hooking back up when classes started.

Move In Day: we had texted a little over the summer, so seeing each other when we moved in was natural. and from then on, we kinda ran into eachother on occasions. and as it turns out, we have a lecture class together.

Weds, Nov. 1st, During Lecture: i had run into bread before class, so i decided to sit with him, which was a little unusual (as i normally sit with my fig). i had to leave a half an hour into class for another event, so sitting near the door was handy (thats where bread usually sits). so my art prof, being the awesome person she is, decided to show the lip from he rocky horror picture show that is "The Time Warp". we enjoyed it and it was grand, but then she came on the speaker and said "I think we should do this!" and off went the light, and up everyone stood, and play the clip she did. (yay yoda grammer!) So we were all dancing and it was great, but all of the sudden, i had this overwhelming urge to kiss bread him.i don't know why, i cant explain it. i just really wanted to. but i didn't, because i do have a small amount of self control. a little bit later i left, and i thought it was going to be okay.

Weds, Nov. 1st, In the Evening: so i came back to my room, and decided to update my facebook. but, i was silly, and put in the status section "Naria is wondering why she wanted to kiss a boy in the dark in lecture today..." i had really just wanted to get interesting responses from this, as i thought i made it pretty clear that i wasnt in charge of this emotion. but no. i'm never that lucky.

Weds, Nov. 1st, In the Middle of the Night: apperently this is when bread checked his facebook. as i'm sure you've gathered from this, but were friends on facebook. so obviously he saw my update. and i might note, he was the only guy i was near in lecture. and i don't really have that many lecture classes. at least, ones where its dark. so, what do i think he did inreaction? he changed his "looking for" status to "friendship". now, mind you, for as long as we've been facebook friends (about three months), he's always had an assortment of things selected, mostly "random play", "friendship", "what ever i can get", and "dating". he didnt really change them too often. but that night they all dissappeared, except for friendship. so what does this mean? i really didnt know...

Thurs, Nov. 2nd, In the Morning: i checked my facebook, because i was wondering if he did anything, and then became utterly confuzzed. interestingly, i didnt think to change my status...

Thurs, Nov. 2nd, Afternoon/Evening-ish: the freak out began... i've freaked out so much, im making myself sick. its sad. and i have not seen him or anything. im sooo freaking out.

anyways, i must go get lunch now.



school..., art

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