It is a well known fact, or at least it should be, that if you despise something that I love then we can't ever truly be friends and that I will think less of you as a human being.
I love Superman Returns.
I might have been able to forgive
this guy for simply not liking the movie, but he goes out of his way to mock and rip to shreds a PERFECTLY GOOD AMAZING MOVIE just because he's a STUPID MOVIE SNOB.
I think I'm going to take him off my "Blogs I Read" list because we are now mortal enemies.
Other things other people must not hate in my presence, because I will become incredibly angry with you attempting to rip off a piece of my soul:
1. The Lord of the Rings
2. Harry Potter (The books, not the movies...I can accept criticism of those)
3. Veronica Mars (You have to watch more than one episode before posting that you hate the show on IMDB, frickin'
4. The original Star Wars Trilogy
5. Anything by Joss Whedon (Because he is The Master)
On the other hand, if you will at least acknowledge to me that it is your fault, through your own personal bad taste, that you don't like one of the above masterpieces, I will forgive you. Objective criticism, people. I don't like The Godfather or Raging Bull but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to admit they are well made and worth something.
And yes, I recognize that I am, in fact, completely ridiculous.