sumo wrestlers, demon children, thwarted love notes, and "that's what she said!"

Feb 15, 2007 07:25

How's that for an attention grabbing title?

A) I had the creepiest dream last night, and the worst part was that it was one of those that continues even when you keep waking up and hitting the snooze just lays in the crevices of your subconscious, waiting to pounce as soon as you find that lovely place between sleeping and waking. I'm really not even sure how to describe this dream other than it was pretty epic, not quite an Apocalypse dream, just freaking weird. So here's a little taste of some its finer elements:

1. A bottomless pit full of sumo wrestlers getting their hair done and their feet massaged inside some sort of museum. But here's the even weirder part: the pit is full of sand until you push a button then all the sand magically falls away to reveal the sumos. And there was a very interested crowd looking down. I'm still not really sure just exactly how they could breathe when the sand was there...
2. A little girl who was intent on creating some sort of magically/demonically controlled being, and she had kept trying to find the right vessel for her evil magics, including rodents, dogs, cats, and regular people. At the end of this really horrifying dream she informed the character that my subconscious was inhabiting at the moment that she was going to try sumo wrestlers next because they were so big and slow (thus easily controlled) but also deadly. The dream ended when she told me that the sumos would be her seventh try and that was pretty frickin creepy. I'm pretty sure she was filled with the spirit of the Devil or something.
3. An old woman who thought she was the mastermind but really she was just old and saggy. The Devil's Handmaid.
4. Sawyer from Lost. Sometimes I was him, sometimes I was watching him. (That's what she said!! See below...)
5. A creepy old house where I was being held prisoner for unknown reasons....hmmm, much like The Others. I really think I shouldn't watch Lost and then go straight to bed anymore.

B) Yesterday I tried to do a nice Valentine's Day type thing for this boy that I have a little thing for. I was going to leave him an anonymous funny card just you know, to brighten his day, but I couldn't find his bike and had no other way of anonymously leaving him the card and now I just feel pretty lame.

C) Today is International That's What She Said Day! You have been warned...

And in honor of this very special day:

2. Go here for the Facebook group!

3. And finally, I LOVE IT.

lost, love, the boy, dreams

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