everybody interviews me and it is fun

Oct 03, 2008 14:31

via The Collective

1) What is your favorite thing you've ever written?

This one time when I had first discovered the internet, I used to read a lot of fanfiction. Like, A LOT. You can make fun of me if you want, but I just really needed Mulder and Scully to have sex. Anyway, this one time I'm talking about in like the eighth grade I tried to write a fanfic and it was horrible and I went back and read it last summer and laughed at myself. The best part of this story is that my best friend's mother somehow got ahold of it and I was SO EMBARASSED. I wonder if that thing is still floating around the internet somewhere . . .

But actually I'm not really proud of it, I just wanted to tell that story.

2) Why do you girls all read literary books, most of which were assigned reading at one point in time or another? Why not trashy chick lit or sTori Tellings? Why no US Weekly or Heather Mills McCartney’s memoirs? Why does it always have to be either Harry's Potter or smarty smart books that provoke meaningful intelligent conversation. Why am I the only trashy reader on this board!!

I will literally read anything you put in front of me. The problem is that there is not enough time in the world to read it all, so my attention span tends to gravitate towards certain thingies, like Harry Potter. Which is awesome. P.S. I had a bad -- read: naughty -- dream about Daniel Radcliffe the other night. It kind of freaked me out.

3) If you could be 20 again and money and family obligations were not a concern, what are five things you would want to do? If you were 60 and money and family, blah, blah, blah, what are 5 things you would want to do? What accounts for the difference between the two?

Twenty wasn't really that long ago for me, but man was that a good year. Wait, never mind. Twenty-one was a good year and the other one mostly sucked. I would actually probably do almost exactly the same thing, except instead of getting a job over the summer I would have gone to Europe. Also, I would read a lot more. When I'm sixty, I want to have a library full of books and DVDs and I want to go to Europe. I don't really have that much ambition, as it turns out.

4) Another thought. In Marie Claire magazine there is a section called "what I love about me" where women share their most favorite attribute (physical and otherwise).

My hair, because it is awesome. Also, my stomach. And by stomach, I mean the inside part that is like an iron horse and can consume anything and never give me heartburn and which allows me to eat three platefuls at Thanksgiving.

5) And my question for the oracle of the Collective is: What is the meaning of life?

Having friends and family who you feel comfortable enough to fart in front of.

7) In addition to you all being great entertaining writers, don't you all take pictures? Please show us at least one photo you've taken that would qualify as a favorite, and tell us when you took it and why you love it. Or, describe for us in 100 words or less what the world should look like in 50 years.

I am not a photographer, but I do take an excellent self-portrait. This was last weekend on the way to Breanne's rehearsal dinner.

8) Not to bring up politics again or anything but what would you do with your first 100 days in office?

I was telling everybody during the debate last night that if I was one of them Vee Pee types, my foreign policy would be to start breeding bunny rabbits. Tiny, cute, fluffy bunny rabbits and then, like, just start dropping them all over the world. Like fluffy presents. I mean, what better way can you say "I love you" or "I'm sorry" than with a bunny?

9) What song best sums up the history of your love life?

"Perfect Situation," Weezer

10) Who is the best-developed character in the history of literature?

I'm totally copying Heather Anne and Jennie. It's all about Snape. Also, because my brain is broken.

13) What is one thing a person can do to make you judge him/her severely?

Be stupid.

14) What is your horoscope today? Is it accurate?

Real horoscope: An authority figure is trying to ruin your day, but you don't have to take it. You may need to hear them out at the very least. But once that's over, you should have more freedom than anyone else realizes.

Onion horoscope: You may not be a marine biologist, or some leading whale expert, but you're pretty sure that's a blowhole you got there.

Both of those are actually pretty accurate.

15) Answer with the first thing that pops into your mind. You can have one wish, what is it?

Not to worry about money ever again.

blogging, harry potter, money, books, the collective

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