them good old days

Mar 10, 2008 19:27

This morning I was listening to my iPod, as I do every morning on the forty-five minute drive to work, when this old Beach Boys song came on. Most of you don't know this, but when I was in first grade I was OBSESSED with the Beach Boys. Their greatest hits album was the first CD I ever owned (quickly to be followed by the soundtrack to The Little Mermaid). The Christmas I got it, along with the CD player, I must have played the first song, "California Girls," one hundred times in a row. And now, whenever I hear those opening bells, the very first thing I think of is Christmas trees and cookies. So let's play a little game called Watch All the Videos That Ashley Finds From YouTube That Are So Connected To Childhood In Her Brain That She Just Can't Help Herself. We'll begin with "California Girls":

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Now, you may be asking yourself why I was obsessed with the Beach Boys, and the short answer would be because my dad is really freaking old and he and my mom raised me on oldies. But I'm afraid to admit that the other, and much larger, part of it is this:

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Which would be because of this (especially at 3:04):

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Because I spent the entirety of my childhood watching every episode of Full House one hundred times in a row. By the way, did you guys know that there is NO SUCH PLACE AS KOKOMO!?!? What the frick. Twenty years I've wanted to go to this magical place, and only yesterday, after a bit of Wikipediaing did I learn the truth. I am shamed. And then there was this:

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Which spawned possibly the greatest music video ever in the history of the world:

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Another little known fact: Jesse and the Rippers did not actually write that song. It was the Beach Boys. Who knew? But this song...oh man. I must have had my dad rent me The Chipmunk Adventure once a week for years and years. I think I've pretty much decided that I'm being Brittany Miller (the pink Chipette) for Halloween:

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Which then of course leads me to this:

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And if we're going for themesongs that made me go crazy as a kid, we can look no further than this one:

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Random useless, little known fact #3: "Rock Around the Clock" was the original Happy Days themesong, back when it was still called Happy Days Again. My mother loves to tell me about how at noon on the dot as a small person I would scream for the TV to be turned on so I could dance to it and that whenever the reruns started playing the new themesong, I would freak out a little bit. Frankly, I don't really know what I was thinking, because the new one is clearly much better:

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Also when I was a kid my mom used to tell me to "sit on it" a lot because that's what all the characters in Happy Days all said. When I think about this now I am a little disturbed, because if I knew what this meant as a child I would have realized that if I'd have followed my mother's advice and "sat on it", "it" would have been up my butt.

And as an added little something extra, from the last year that I really consider as part of my childhood, 1997, comes the greatest love song ever written, which I also listened to one hundred times in a row every day for an entire year:

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That's all, folks!

childhood, tv, youtube

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