I once read somewhere that the most pleasant emotion in the human spectrum is surprise, and really, I think that makes a lot of sense. Because today, I woke up and pulled myself out of bed, only to be greeted by the best surprise ever. When I found out that I got paid vacation days for my new job, the first thing I did was go online and make sure I had all of those vacation days marked in my calendar, because them's would be special days. On Friday I wanted to make sure I did indeed have today off, before I just didn't show up for work, but when I checked with Jennifer (the mother), she told me that unfortunately neither she nor her husband had the day off. I nearly cried.
Fast forward to 6:45 AM. Picture it: (
Sicily, 1912...) I finally get around to listening to all my voicemail messages from the day before that accrued while my phone was dead and I was off having a happy-done with CPR class-shopping-eating-extravaganza-i just got my first paycheck-movie day (don't ask). I am sleepy and very, very groggy as I listen. And then, what's this? A message from Jennifer? Telling me that I have THE DAY OFF! So what do I do? With a feeling of incredible contentment (despite the slight fever, clogged sinuses, and sore throat courtesy of my new job) I put on Scrubs and I cuddle back into my bed. Oh, what a wonderful day.