Nov 19, 2008 23:26
Woke up later than I wanted (what with all the "cannot sleep" I ran into. Nothing terribly eventful that day; went to Fanfest, walked around that part of the city some - The Microsoft and Apple locations in Reykjavik are basically across the street from eachother; also, there are these truck-sized installations dotted about that are small geothermal plants. Just sitting around the city. Kinda nifty, no?
After Fanfest + food we returned to downtown Reykjavik, to do the Icelandic thing again. Woo! Bit more lively night as well; more people (and not from Fanfest) out and about.
Also, Nonni's!
Again, couldn't really sleep, but about an hour better than the night before. Maybe.
This day was fun.
There were some folks from a UK corp playing "Guns and Cash" (you'll know it if you see it; it has foam guns), which is an excellent game, there was the demo for "Walking In Stations", which is pretty nifty but not going to be seen in EVE for a while; but they have some /really/ cool tech lined up for the thing. (One of EVE's selling points is that it's pretty. This will make the insides of stations really, really amazing visually, and very easily customizable.)
Also, after dinner, house party at one of the lead developer's houses.
So... I learned a thing that night. Three, things, really.
"Pour me one too!" is a very dangerous thing to say, and should likely be avoided.
"It's not working yet, pour me another" is a /worse/ thing to say.
When the world *wants* to be spinning, it will do when you close your eyes.
The alcohol didn't have a chance to "get me", since the vertigo-induced naseau got there first. : P
Ian and I stumble vageuly homewards, exceptionally drunk, stopping along the way for Icelandic hotdogs, which were good hotdogs with a different set of condiments than you'd get in the states (such as, to my joy, honey mustard).
So, then we're home, and we need to spend a couple of hours drinking water to prevent the hangover the next day - and, well, when you're drunk, in Iceland, at home, chugging water, what do you do?
You drunk dial friends and family via Skype!
That was fun. And I can't wait to hear about it at Thanksgiving. Because my family rocks and we have weird senses of humor.
However - to my annoyance: Okay, so, I'm so drunk that if I close my eyes I spin around and fall over, right? You'd think I'd be drunk enough to quickly pass out into an exceedingly inebriated sleep, right? WRONG, dammit.(Recent other partying is leading me to believe that I really do metabolize alcohol into energy, because I got rather tipsy (but not plastered), and couldn't sleep then, either)
Yay, no hangover! (I may not be able to sleep, but I also seem impervious to those)
Make it over to Fanfest (later than we'd like, but eh), stick around, eat, and then return for the party. Which was kind of awesome, even tho it was a sausage fest.
First up was an "eh" DJ, while everyone milled around, drank, talked and otherwise had a convention party. Then the CCP Band (made from employees), got up and played a fair amount. Not the sort of stuff I like to dance to, but there was enough enthusiasm (crowd favorites, etc) that I got into it. After that, tho, we had Kitty (I think,maybe Kiki), who, while also an EVE developer, is also one of Iceland's premier DJs - and she was incredible.
After about the second hour of rather... frenetic? energetic? aerobic? seizurely? dancing, I wondered - How am I still able to stand? I should falling over from exhaustion!
Oh, right! Icelanders like to mix their Vodka with energy drinks! I'd had about three "Vodka-Cult"s, which are a can of energy drink (I think about half the strength of Red Bull?), and a shot of vodka.
Yeah, didn't really sleep that night, either.
More later! Probably.