Iceland Trip Quick Run! Part 1

Nov 15, 2008 02:45

Teusday, Nov 4th:

Wee hours: I have finished packing. My flight to Reykjavik leaves around 8PM, from Boston. I am not entirely sure how I am getting to Boston. Plan calls for a Bus.

Morning Hours: Bus. Success!

Early Afternoon: Waiting for Icelandair to open their ticket counter so I can check my bag and wander around Boston

Late Afternoon/Dinner: I /like/ Boston. It just has a feel that I like, different from San Fransisco and much nicer than New York. Also, Sandman FTW.

~7:00 PM: At the airport terminal, playing "Spot the Nerd!" Seriously, 80% or so of the flight was heading to Fanfest.

Plane: At some hazy point, transitions to Wednesday, Nov 5th. Also, the only thing I can see out the window is the plane's wing, but I can see it with perfect clarity, as if there is nothing else in the world.

Wednesday, Nov 5th:

~7:00 AM (Iceland Time): Business, Pleasure, or Fanfest? (seriously!). Also, prior to landing, the plane announces the victory of Obama to much rejoicing.

Bus ride to Reykjavik from the Airport:
Half-glimpses of the volcanic terrain in the pre-dawn light.
We drive past a kilometer long warehouse, where they smelt aluminum mined around the world.

~8:00 AM, in Reykjavik, finding Ian's house. The air here is *really* nice - it's refreshingly cold ("chipper"), there's the occasional breeze, and it's stupendously clean.

~9:00 AM, having picked up some frozen pizzas from the local convenience store, I lay down for a quick nap....

~5:00 PM ... and re-acheive consciousness. Waitaminute...

~6:00 PM: To my interest, I discover that in the rest of the world, you eat hamburgers with a knife and fork. Because the top bun had mustard in the usual place, the burger was juicy, and the top bun was skewered to it upside down.

~7:00 PM: Out on the town, Iceland style! This means drinking. Lots of drinking. I note with joy that, due to the currency drop, this is cheaper here than it is at home (pretty much everything is "more expensive" "relatively", because Iceland has to import most everything.

Remember, kids: In Iceland, the only flavor of Vodka is Vodka.

~Stumble O'Clock: NONNI'S. It's.. er, well, there's meat and stuff between two long pieces of bread, it's perfect when you're drunk, quick to make, filling... Nonni's gets nearly all of it's business at this time of night.


Tune in later for Thursday and onwards!
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