Sorry, I just couldn't help my self...

Aug 25, 2005 14:21

Thank you random drunkenblog poster!

Announcer: After a series of staggering defeats, Apple engineering assembled in Cupertino in late 2005 for a session with famed producer Steve Jobs. And, luckily for us, the cameras were rolling.

Steve Jobs: Alright, guys, I think we're ready to lay this first OS down. By the way, my name is Steve Jobs. Yes, the Steve Jobs. And I gotta tell you: fellas.. you have got what appears to be a dynamite product!

Former MS manager #1: Coming from you, Steve, that means a lot.

Former MS manager #2: Yeah. I mean, you're Steve Jobs!

Former MS manager #3: It's incredible!

Former MS manager #4: I can't believe Steve Jobs digs our product!

Steve Jobs: Easy, guys.. I put my pants on just like the rest of you - one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I leave dents in the universe. Alright, here we go. OSX 'Leopard' - take one.

Former MS manager #1: Okay! Wait! Wait! Steve, could you come in here for a minute, please?

Steve Jobs: That was gonna be a great OS. Guys, what's the deal?

Former MS manager #1: Are you sure that was looking okay?

Steve Jobs: I'll be honest.. fellas, it was looking great. But.. I could've used a little more Insanely Great Coolness. So.. let's take it again.. and, Avie.

Avie Tevanian: Yeah?

Steve Jobs: Really change the world(TM) this time. I mean, really.. change the world(TM). I like what I'm seeing.

Former MS manager #1: Okay, wait! Stop! I'm sorry. Steve, could you come back in here, please?

Steve Jobs: Fellas.. now, we just wasted two good OSs! That last one was even better than the first!

Former MS manager #1: Well, it's just that I find Avie's Insanely Great Coolness seeking distracting! If I'm the only one, I'll shut up.

Former MS manager #2: It was pretty rough..

Avie Tevanian: You know, I could pull back a little. If you'd like.

Steve Jobs: Not too much, though! Fellas, I'm telling you - you're gonna want that Insanely Great Coolness on the OS!

Avie Tevanian: You know what? It's fine. Let's just do this thing.

Former MS manager #1: Come on, people!

Steve Jobs: That.. that doesn't work for me. I gotta have more Insanely Great Coolness!

Former MS manager #3: Don't blow this for us, Avie!

Former MS manager #4: Yeah, quit being so selfish, Avie!

Avie Tevanian: Can I just say one thing?

Steve Jobs: Say it, baby. Say it.

Avie Tevanian: I'm standing here, staring at Steve Jobs!

Steve Jobs: The cock of the walk, baby!

Avie Tevanian: And if Steve Jobs wants more Insanely Great Coolness, we should probably give him more Insanely Great Coolness!

Steve Jobs: Say it, baby!

Avie Tevanian: And, Former MS manager #4, you are right - I am being selfish. But the last time I checked, we don't have a whole lot of OSs that feature the Insanely Great Coolness.

Steve Jobs: I gotta have more Insanely Great Coolness, baby!

Avie Tevanian: ..and I'll be doing myself a disservice -- and every member in this company, if I don't perform the hell out of this.

Steve Jobs: Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more Insanely Great Coolness!

Avie Tevanian: Thanks, Steve. But I think, maybe if I just leave.. and, maybe I'll come back later, and we can lay down the Insanely Great Coolness.

Steve Jobs: Aw, baby..

Former MS manager #1: Avie, wait! Why don't you lay down that Insanely Great Coolness right now. With us. Together.

Avie Tevanian: Do you mean that, Former MS manager #1?

Former MS manager #2: He speaks for all of us.

Avie Tevanian: Thank you.

Steve Jobs: Babies.. before we're done here.. y'all be wearing gold-plated diapers.

Former MS manager #3: What does that mean?

Steve Jobs: Never question Steve Jobs! Roll it!

Former MS manager #1: 1, 2, 3, 4. poster!
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