Aug 07, 2003 02:56
I've had this song stuck in my head for the past week. I'm finally listening to it in a desperate attempt to get it out.
I'm getting really psyched about this next T5C. I've got vendors, another DJ, lots of publicity. I'm also getting a reporter from the Citizen Times to come out and do a piece. I figure that even in a worst-case-scenario (he pans the night), it's free publicity. All in all, he seems like a decent guy. A bit uneducated in "The Ways of the Goth," but a decent guy nonetheless.
Been promoting like a madman this past month. I have a good feeling about the turnout on Saturday. I figure that we'll have almost everyone who came out last time
Watching Spiderman on MTV. Pretty damn amazing. Took me a couple of episodes to get into it, but I'm liking what I see. Having been converted to cel-shading by Zelda (tWW), this is the first CGI cartoon I'm really impressed with. Not to mention the fact that they don't pull any punches; three people just got killed by a wannabe ninja. And the dialogue is actually...intelligent. Believable. Huh.
At any rate, I've been reflecting a lot lately. This is the last Summer I'll be in Asheville for the foreseeable future. It's been a good 6 years, but I'm ready for something new. It's been a good Summer. I haven't had a job, so I've been able to spend lots of time relaxing, playing, exploring the Net.
It's also been a Summer for figuring out what I need to be doing. Between running 1 game, playing in another, setting up T5C (and the website, and the mailing list, and the weekly goffee nights), I've come to realize that I need to be *doing* stuff to be happy. I used to think of myself as a pretty shy, antisocial kinda guy. But this Summer has shown me that I really enjoy being around people. More than that, I really enjoy doing stuff that ensures other people have a good time.
Anyways, good Summer. School starts in a couple of weeks, and beyond that, I move away. I guess I really mean to say, "it's been a good 6 years." I've had a good run in Asheville, but I'm looking forward to what lies beyond...