Sep 05, 2005 00:29
WHAT THE CRAP HAPPENED TO MY SAVED HTML WORK?! WHAT HAPPENED TO A WHOLE DAY'S WORK ON JUST ONE PAGE?! WHAT ABOUT ALL THAT HELP WINDY-CHAN GAVE ME?! HOW IN THE WOLRD WILL I UPDATE THAT PAGE?! WHY IN THE WOLRD DID NOTEPAD CHANGE IT? I open notepad to work on the next page of my website. So I opened a finished page as reference, and all there is on the page is "SCU$ µ‡nxœc```fpcdà`€ ô û"! What the crap is that?! Give me back my hard work and Windy-chan's help!T-T What happened to 7 hours of work?!! AUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T-T Windy-chan, anybody, how do I fix it? I don't want to start from the beginning again. I don't have the time to do that. Especially with school and having to make-up more that a week's worth of missed school coming up.T-T Help!
I just noticed a while ago, but I'm wearing some pants around my neck like a scarf. Why? I don't know. My mom just threw them at me earlier saying to go to bed sometime soon. So they eventually ended up around my neck. And they're still there..... Yeah.... Oh well. *sigh* All that hard work.....*sob*T-T
pant scarves,