Dec 30, 2009 16:39
2009 has been a hell of a ride. Perhaps not in the same way as 2008, but still...yikes. Fortunately, my recap won't be as intense as last year's; writing on a somewhat regular basis has helped.
I suppose the biggest thing that's happened this year has been the loss of my job. It's been hard and weird and interesting. On the upside, I got to have a fun summer--putzing around, drinking, doing a lot of nothing. It's also made me put a lot of thought into what it is I want to do with my life. Not surprisingly, I still want to do theatre--and if I could get paid for it, I'd be set--but aside from that, I need to figure out what to do either in the mean-time or the long-run. I still have no idea what it is I want to do. Most jobs I look at make me want to curl up and die. Maybe that's a little dramatic, but most jobs hold no appeal for me. So, it's been almost 8 months and I'm still at a loss.
I dropped out of a show for the first time (and hopefully the only time). I still don't regret it; the production wasn't that good. And if I'd had to deal with Amy for all that time...someone woulda been smacked.
I moved back home, something I never thought I'd do. I never wanted to do it, either, I am. As a result, I'm gaining weight. I can't officially confirm it, but I'm almost positive. It's awesome.
Depression has hit me again...pretty hard, too. Don't know if I've really made a secret of it,'s not fun. My soul hurts most of the time and I'm overall lethargic and down and lonely. So, that's been fun. Especially in the town I went to high school in; like it wasn't depressing enough the first time around.
I've made a few new friends whom I miss terribly. Our time together was brief, but meaningful while I was there. And, we do still keep in touch. so it's nice. On the upside, I haven't really lost any friends this year...nothing like '08. It brought me Hannah (another one), whom I adore. She's a wonderful person; very kind and sweet and funny and talented. We met opening night of Full Monty and then wound up being in Fairytales in Training together the next month and bonded and had fun together. We also hung out with Phil (whom I met during Hansel & Gretel)--funny guy, talented, fun to hang out with, also in Fairytales; also met Adrian, who's a...sad little person. I love her, but she's just one of those people who doesn't know how to not be in a relationship. Hannah, Phil & I tried to educate her...hopefully some of it took. But she's an interesting character.
My movie-buying addiction has lessened considerably. I haven't bought something the day it came out since last December--it was either Mamma Mia! or the second X-Files movie...they both came out around the same time. Anyway, I've discovered that most things go on sale pretty quickly. They'll be cheap eventually. I bought season 8 of Smallville on Black Friday for $10 instead of the usual $40 or $50. Sometimes, it pays to wait.
I've kept myself active in theatre since moving home at least. Fortunately, this is the first year the local theatre company has done more than one show, and my mom stumbled on the audition announcement by accident. I wound up playing Mrs. McCarthy again in the Best Christmas Pageant wasn't much of a challenge, sadly. I basically just did it the same way as I did last year, and since the director never gave me direction otherwise...oh well. I still had fun. I auditioned for Greater Tuna last weekend...still waiting for the results of that one. The director said that they may have to have auditions again this weekend since the turnout was kind of smallthe first time around. Since it was the day after xmas, it's not surprising. Anyway, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It sounds like a fun show. Hopefully, since the turnout was small, I have a good shot. Well, I'd really like to hope that I'd have a good shot regardless, but we'll see.
I've found out that I'm a passable cook, when I need to be. Granted, my repetoire is not huge, but I haven't actually tried anything other than my basic chicken. But I've made pie and bread and muffins and cookies--all of which have been pretty good. Looks like I'll be capable of taking care of myself when I need to.
In all of 2009, I've only gone to see two movies--The Proposal and Harry Potter. It seems like such a sad, small number. But being unemployed for most of '09 hasn't made me want to go to the movies a whole lot. It ain't cheap.
Basically...ready for 2009 to be over. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. And I still have a whole day left for things to go batty. And with New Year's Eve being a full moon...
Definitely dot dot dot.