
May 14, 2007 18:41

After a random series of occurances & events that happened last night I've realized something.

I am (most of the time...there are moments) satisfied with my life.

but also and more importantly

I am going to be uncomprimisingly myself from now

(ie. i don't feel any need to get people to like me by holding back or acting like someone else, i like who i am, and am completely comfortable just being myself without holding back.)

It feels so freeing and amazing to know that all you have to do is be yourself and not constantly be trying to impress others to feel good about yourself.  To just be comfortable with the way you are and say, "hey if you don't like the way i act, and the person i am, then we aren't going to work as friends anyway"

I'm so excited to start this new found "relationship" with myself where I actually respect and like myself and enjoy just being myself with my own thoughts.


oh and also i gave my mom an awesome mother's day present and she loved it, made me feel great. *warm feelings*

have an awesome day


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