Thank you
klicrai for posting this! I'm definitely going to spread 'the word' lol.
I'm sure all my athiest friends will like this... and if I do have any religious friends on here, please, do read this. It offers great advice to help further your cause too :)
After all, its not really what you believe but how you live it that matters.
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I mean, okay...I've found that almost every one of the YouTube atheists, for example, has a specific thing about religion that they have issues with; in some cases it might be muslim influence in Britain, or circumcision, or religious intrusion into matters like abortion or gay my case, I have the most issues with the concept of FAITH. When this article says that you cannot point to heaven or hell on a map, and that atheists need proof...oh, my, yes; that's me all over.
So a christian is unlikely to ever convince me of much of anything so long as the requirement of faith persists. In fact, I recently decided that the MOST convincing argument for god's existence would be if faith is, indeed, a test...and the idea is to NOT HAVE IT. That this god wants us to use and develop our mental faculties and NOT fall pretty to superstition. If there were a religion designed around THAT concept, I might actually be tempted ( ... )
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